Billboards around shopping malls across Slovenia.
Large LED displays across Slovenia provide a modern advertising approach that adds value.
Billboards across Slovenia, which can be leased at the local, regional or national level.
Nadstandardne oglasne površine v Ljubljani, ki izstopajo in so pozicionirane v ključnih križiščih v mestu.
Large advertising spaces (classical and supersize billboards) are the most visible form of OOH advertising for 68% of Slovenians aged 15-75. In the active population (25-55 years of age) this share is 4 p.p. higher and stands at 72%.
Goods and services should also be advertised close or next to the point of purchase. Only 26% Slovenians aged 15-65 said that billboards next to shopping malls did not affect their purchase, and 37% respondents aged 15-65 said the same about roadside advertising on their way there.
80% of women and 68% of men aged 15-65 responded that billboards in front of shopping malls motivated them to purchase the advertised product or service.
40% of respondents aged 15-65 from Central Slovenia said that supersize billboards are the most persuasive OOH medium. Classical billboards are deemed most persuasive by 29% respondents aged 15-65 from Central Slovenia. Other, smaller billboards are deemed most persuasive by 18% respondents aged 15-65 from Central Slovenia.
66% Slovenians aged 15-65 said that they found classical and supersize billboards the most persuasive, while 19% of Slovenians aged 15-65 believe that smaller billboards are effective.
74% of Slovenians aged 15-65 said that billboards next to shopping malls regularly or occasionally motivated them to purchase the advertised product or service.